Discover ave. Louise and rue Royale on board a “Belle Epoque” tram

It is with pleasure that we can once again offer you heritage trips with our “Belle Epoque” trams on rue Royale and avenue Louise! Our trams will run on the following days:

  • Easter Monday 01/04
  • Labour Day 01/05
  • Ascension Thursday 09/05
  • Whit Monday 20/05

Departure at place Poelaert (in front of Palais de Justice) with two routes of +/- 30 minutes each: Poelaert – rue Royale – Eglise Royale Ste. Marie and back, or Poelaert – avenue Louise – Legrand (Bois de la Cambre) and back.

A return trip is only € 6 and free of charge for kids aged under 6!

Please note that tickets are only sold at place Poelaert (in front of Palais de Justice), where one of our oldtimer buses will serve as a ticket booth. We prefer payment by debit card.

Departure from Poelaert to Ste. Marie: 13:57 – 14:41 – 15:11 – 15:56 – 16:26 – 17:11
Departure from Poelaert to Legrand: 14:37 – 15:22 – 15:52 – 16:37